Contact Us

We are here to help you with any questions or enquiries you may have about our organisation or our programs.

Our dedicated team is committed to providing you with timely and helpful support, whether you are a current member, a potential new member, or simply interested in learning more about Girlguiding.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us via the contact form or email. We are always happy to hear from you and assist you in any way we can.

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Lancashire Border is Divided into the Following Divisions

Where are you and who do you need to contact?

Farnworth & Lever Division


Prestwich & Whitefield Division

Rachael & Olivia

Horwich & Central Division


Westhoughton & Blackrod Division

PJayne & Annaliese

Tonge & Turton Division

Position Vacant

This Map shows all the Currently Active Girlguiding Units in our County - Rainbows, Brownies, Guides & Rangers

Where, What Day & Time?


Use the symbol in the top left to open the menu to switch on the layers and see which section you are looking for.

  • Red hearts show Rainbow units.
  • Yellow paw prints show Brownie units.
  • Blue moons show Guide units.
  • Turquoise balloons show Ranger units.

Open to full screen to turn the layers on or off, and then you can see where our groups are currently meeting!